Poster Preparation Guidelines
IPAC'15 Logo for Posters
A high-resolution copy of the IPAC'15 logo is located here.
All Poster Sessions
Each poster displayed during the sessions from Monday to Thursday (16:00-18:00) will be presented on half a single display board. The area available for your poster has width 4 feet (122 cm) and height 4 feet (122 cm).
The suggested usage is the display of an A0/US Arch E page in Portrait orientation, though US Arch E Landscape orientation will also work reasonably with these display boards.
Poster Sessions from Monday (May 4) to Wednesday (May 6)
A map of the exhibit hall is located here, including section labels.
Posters should be set up in the morning from 08:00-09:00 (before the first invited oral session) so they may be visited during the first coffee break. Authors should attend to their posters through the full afternoon poster session period.
Poster Session for Thursday (May 7)
A map of the poster area in the Registration Lobby is located here.
Posters should be set up in the morning from 08:00-09:00 (before the first invited oral session) so they may be visited during the first coffee break. Authors should attend to their posters through the full afternoon poster session period.
Student Poster Sessions on Sunday (May 3)
The student poster session will be located in the Registration Lobby near Sunday registration. The Sunday welcome reception will be located in the exhibitor area of Exhibit Hall A.
Posters should be set up from 13:30-14:00 on Sunday May 3, and students should attend to their posters for interactions with judgets and arriving conference delegates from 14:00 to 18:00.