PHP Poster

Women in Science Panel Discussion

Wednesday, May 6 18:00-20:00. Reception to follow from 20:00 to 22:00 in the RCC Grand Ballroom B21B.

A diverse panel of internationally recognized women researchers will discuss the Cultural Impact on Women in Science and Engineering. They will address how diverse cultural backgrounds play a role in encouraging (or discouraging) women to go into scientific careers. They will share their unique, illuminating perspectives with the IPAC researchers in attendance, as well as nearly 30 local high school girls interested in science who have been invited to attend and a class from Pittsburgh attending remotely.


Patrizia Rossi
Deputy Associate Director of Physics, Jefferson Lab


Barbara Boyan
Dean of School of Engineering, VCU

Latifa Elouadrhiri
Senior Scientist and Former Project Manager for the Hall B 12 GeV Upgrade at Jefferson Lab

Haiyan Gao
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Duke Kunshun University and former Chair of the Department of Physics, Duke University [via videoconference]

Fabiola Gianotti
Upcoming Director General, CERN [via videoconference]

Thia Keppel
Hall A&C Leader, Jefferson Lab

Young-Kee Kim
Professor of Physics, University of Chicago and former Deputy Director, FNAL
[via videoconference]

Liu Lin
Head of Accelerator Physics Group, LNLS

Allena Opper
Program Director of Experimental Nuclear Physics, NSF

Fulvia Pilat
Deputy Associate Director of Accelerators, Jefferson Lab

Video of Panel

Richmond (Local) Panel (note, these files are large and will need to be saved locally to be viewed by right-clicking and saving):
Women In Science Video Part 1 (Local feed)
Women In Science Video Part 2 (Local feed)

Aggregated feed from around the world:

If you cannot view this video in your browser it can also be downloaded by right-clicking and saving on this link:
Aggregated Video